The League Committee reserve the right to amend any League Rule or to incorporate a new rule if it is found to be necessary.

At all times teams will be governed by England Netball Official Netball Rules.

a) The League shall be confined to affiliated members of England Netball.

b) Players may only play for one club participating in the Bedford and District Netball League. Any player wishing to transfer from one club to another within the League must notify the Match Secretary (and the Youth League match secretary if appropriate) and her current club before playing for her new Club. Notification to be given in writing (email will suffice). This must be 7 days before playing for the new team/club. Changes on ENGAGE must also be implemented 7 days before playing for the new club/team. In the event of a team withdrawing from the League players from that team may transfer immediately to another team providing the Match Secretary is informed prior to them playing for a new team see rule 4 (e). Should a player from a team which disbands during the season wish to play for another team in the league during that season she can transfer to this team immediately, if all other rules permit.

c) If a team has a majority of players who are 18 or under they must have a responsible adult present with the at all matches for Duty of Care. The umpire must be informed of the name of the responsible adult and their name then noted on the result card at the start of the match. 2 points will be deducted if this rule is not adhered to. The responsible adult may not take up any other role during the match eg scoring or umpiring and should be courtside with the team.


A player shall normally represent a team within her age group i.e. Years 5-8 Junior League and Years 9-11 Youth League. If any young player is deemed sufficiently advanced to play in a higher age group team they will be re-registered as a member of that team.

No Player can take part in both the Youth and Senior Leagues.

No player selected to play in the Youth League may then revert to the Junior League if her age permits.

No player from the Youth League can be used as a borrowed player in the Senior League, including within a Club structure.

At the completion of the Youth League, including the youth league cup finals, a player aged 14 or over may play for a senior team. No player may then revert to the Youth League.

Youth League players, aged 14 and over, may play in the Summer League to see if they are ready to move up to the adult league. If they find that this is not the case and they wish to return to the Youth League in September then they, and their coach, must complete a form stating the reasons why they wish to revert to Youth League netball, if eligible, and then the Youth League organisers will make a decision as to whether they can return. This must be done on an individual, not whole team, basis.

If a team consists of players who are all under the age of 18 they must have an adult present with them at all matches. The umpire must be informed of the name of the responsible adult and their name then noted on the result card at the start of the match.

D) GUEST PLAYERS: Guest Players are no longer allowed. This is an EN regulation relating to insurance coverage.

There will be no Playing Up within clubs.

Each individual affiliated player may be ‘borrowed’ to play for a different team three times before Christmas and three times after Christmas within any one season. The player must be from your own division or below. 5th division may only borrow from the 5th division. The player may be from the same team on all occasions or from different teams. 5th division players may be borrowed an additional twice but only for 5th Division teams.

You may only borrow if you have 6 or less players. You cannot borrow if you have 7 players even if you are missing certain ‘positions’. Each team can only use 1 ‘borrowed’ player in any one game unless they have specific permission from the Match or League Secretary.

During Cup rounds you may only borrow from the Division below. For Semi Finals and Finals you can only play affiliated players.

e) No player aged 19 or over as at 31st August, selected to a Super League Franchise, may take part in the Bedford & District Netball League.


a) i) At least one representative from each Club must be present at the Annual General Meeting to enter the forthcoming playing season to hand in their League Entry form, together with the appropriate fee and completed League and Umpires Handbook Details sheet. Failure to attend the Annual General Meeting by a Club representative will result in a deduction of 3 points from each team within that Club at the beginning of the season..

ii) At least one representative from each Team must be present at the Fixtures Meeting to arrange all fixtures for the forthcoming season. Failure to attend the Fixtures Meeting by a team representative will result in a deduction of 3 points from that team’s League points total at the beginning of the season.

b) Clubs may enter any number of teams in the League.

All Clubs must specify before the first match to which team players are registered. Clubs with more than one team in a Division must notify the Match Secretary in writing before the beginning of the season, which is the higher ranking team.

d) No player may play for a lower rated team of her Club, unless she permanently transfers to this team, in which case the Match Secretary must be informed seven days prior to her playing a match for that team. Once a player transfers to a lower team Rule 3 (c) does not apply. (SHE MAY NOT PLAY UP DURING THE REMAINDER OF THE SEASON).

e) Spectators are now permitted to attend matches but they must behave in an acceptable manner, including not interfering with movement of the match officials or making unacceptable comments on umpires or players otherwise they will be required to leave the court area immediately.

The filming of matches or the taking of photographs is not allowed without first obtaining the express permissions of each player at least 3 days in advance, you can do this by emailing the League Secretary.


Where a team has used an illegal player, regardless of the result, the offending team will not receive any points for that match and will be deemed to have lost the match by 35 goals. Six points will also be deducted from the offending team’s points score to date. Six points and 35 goals, or actual goal difference, whichever is more beneficial, will be awarded to the non offending team. If a team uses an illegal player during a Cup/Plate match the above will apply but they will lose 8 points from their cup/plate total and 35 goals will be awarded to the non offending team.

e) Changes in the Club/Team Secretary/Captain and name change on marriage must be made in writing to the League Secretary.

a) League Entry Fees must be paid to the League Treasurer, at the Annual General Meeting.

b) Affiliation fees due to England Netball must be paid before the commencement of the season.


Additional affiliation fees for new team members can be paid during the course of a season the full name of the player(s) must be sent to the League Match Secretary.

No points will be awarded to a team for any games played prior to affiliations being paid. These games will be classed as conceded matches.

d) The main Committee is empowered to decide any alterations in fees arising from any resolution at the England Netball AGM.

e) If a team withdraws from the League, or is withdrawn by the League, and any court/facility fees remain unpaid, all outstanding monies must be paid in full before any member of that team may play for another team in the League.

f) Trophy winners may retain their trophies but will be responsible for their safe storage and care and teams will be required to sign a form to this effect at the AGM, including a proviso that monies will be paid should any trophy be lost or damaged.


ALL TEAMS MUST WEAR “PLACE BIBS” clearly marked front and back (note England Netball Official Netball Rules – Page 9, Rule 1.4.2.).

If a team arrives at a match without a whole set of bibs, this must be noted on the Result Card by the two umpires. Should this occur a second time, l point will be deducted from that team’s total league points.

Both Teams will provide a netball complying with INF reg 3.3 in the Rules of Netball handbook. The umpires shall decide which ball shall be used for the game.


Result cards will be provided and both Captains should fill in, sign and place in the box located in reception at the Bedford Academy during the allocated playing week. If a result is not received from one or other team, NO POINTS OR GOALS will be awarded to the offending team but the offending team will receive the relevant number of goals scored against them on their goals against total for that season.

Both team captains must record the name of their umpire on the score sheets.

Home Team captains are responsible for recording the score on the score sheet also located at Bedford Academy reception entrance.

If the card is incomplete or incorrectly completed in any way, l point will be deducted from the team’s total league points.

If the Home Team Captain fails to record the score on the score sheet, then l point will be deducted from the team’s total league points

If no card is received from either team the game will be considered null and void, other than in exceptional circumstances at the League Committee’s discretion.


a) The start and finish of the league season will be decided by the League Committee.

b) MATCHES WILL BE PLAYED on the home team’s designated home night in the week specified in the fixtures table.

c) The HOME NIGHT can be any evening, Monday to Thursday.

d) If a game coincides with an Excel Talent Pathway training night, then where a team has 3 or more players or Excel Talent Pathway coaches who have training commitments, the match may be rearranged.

Due to the structure of the Excel Training Pathway programme games may need to be rearranged at short notice, but every effort must be made for the rearranged game to be played as quickly as possible. Matches which need to be rearranged in the first half of the season should be completed prior to recommencement of play after Christmas.

e) Where three or more players from a team are involved in the organisation on the Youth League Cup Final evening their match may be rearranged.

Due to the format of the Youth League any such games may need to be rearranged at short notice but every effort must be made for the rearranged game to be played as quickly as possible.

f) Matches will be 4 periods of 15 minutes each with 3 minutes break at the end of the 1st and 3rd quarters and a maximum of 5 minutes at half time.


Matches may only be postponed for Ice, Snow, Fog or Covid. A team unable to play a match for any other reason will forfeit the points. The Match Secretary must be notified of these postponed matches and be contacted within 48 hours by the Home team for court availability.

Postponed matches should be played within 3 weeks of the original fixture. If this is not possible, and if agreed by the League Committee, the matches from the first half of the season must be played by the January week set aside for rearranged games and those matches from the second half of the season must be played during the April week also set aside for rearranged games.

This period may now include the playing of the match on a Friday/Saturday/Sunday, but only when both teams are in agreement.

The Home Team is responsible for the re-arrangement of the postponed match and must give at least two additional dates within the 3 playing weeks of the original fixture. The two dates offered must not include any dates on which the other team already has a fixture. Where this proves impossible, because either team is already playing two matches in each of the 3 playing weeks, the matter should be referred to the League Committee.

Where it has been necessary to rearrange a game due to bad weather or another reason approved by the committee, once the date for the rearranged game has been agreed both teams must confirm this with the Match Secretary. If either team is then unable to fulfil the commitment they will be regarded as having conceded the game and the relevant points and goals will be awarded to the other team according to whether the match is a league fixture or a cup/plate fixture.


Matches may only be abandoned in exceptional circumstances. The decision to abandon will rest with the match umpires. If a match is abandoned before half time the match will be rearranged, without reference to the League Committee provided that the Match Secretary is informed by the home team within 48 hours. Should the losing team not wish to rearrange the match the result will stand at the time of abandonment.

If the match is abandoned after half time the score will stand at he time of abandonment unless an appeal is made within 48 hours for a replay and this is upheld by the League committee. When such an appeal is received the Match Secretary will notify the opposing team that an appeal has been lodged.

If a cup/plate match has to be abandoned for any reason other than for disciplinary issues the match will be replayed. If a team fails to agree to a replay they will be regarded as having conceded the match.


It is expected that ALL matches will start at the scheduled time so please ensure all your players allow sufficient time to travel to the courts and park. If weather or traffic problems affect your ability to get to the match on time you must advise the opposition that your team members are running late. The allowed extra time to take to the court is 5 minutes after which you must either take to the court with the players that are present or, if there are insufficient players there (5 required), then the match should be conceded.

In the event of the umpire arriving late and the match unable to commence at the correct start time, the match may, with the agreement of both teams, be played at the later time when the umpire arrives. If the team with the umpire refuses to play at the later time or court time is unavailable, the late umpire must report the facts to the League Committee immediately. The League Committee will then adjudicate.

Scorers are regarded as match officials and in the event of a scorer arriving late the match may commence but both the umpires and the scorer who is present will score. If the scorer has not arrived by the start of the 2nd quarter the offending team will be penalised by 2 points but the match will continue.

All matches must be played at the Bedford Academy other than in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the League Committee.

Matches shall be played according to the Rules of England Netball, that is 4 x 15 minutes with intervals of 3 minutes at the end of the first and third quarters with a maximum of 5 minutes at half time.


a) Six points for a win, four points for a draw, three points for a team being within five goals of winning team’s total, two points for reaching 50% or over winning team’s total, one point for a loss and NO POINTS for conceding a match.

b) Teams conceding matches will be deemed to have lost that game by 35 goals and be awarded no points. Six points and 35 goals will be awarded to the non-offending team.

c) All Clubs must ensure their team(s) fulfil their fixture commitments. Teams may only concede 3 matches, which includes both cup and league matches, during any one season. Any further conceded matches will result in the team being withdrawn from the League. Re-entry to the League for any future season will be at the League Committee’s discretion.

d) If the AWAY team concedes a League/Cup Match they will become liable to pay any cost of the Home Team’s court fee for that evening.

e) Teams conceding Cup/Plate matches will be deemed to have lost that game by 35 goals and be awarded no points. 8 points and 35 goals will be awarded to the non-offending team.

The HOME team is responsible for contacting the League Representative and informing them of the cancellation of the match.


Umpires aged under 16 may not umpire senior matches, including those in the Summer League. Umpires aged 16 to 18 years of age may only umpire senior matches in the 3rd 4th and 5th divisions. They must be accompanied by an appropriate adult. 2 points will be deducted from the team who has booked the young umpire if there is no accompanying adult.

If either of these rules is disregarded points and goals will be deducted as detailed in Rule 3 (d). Umpires in this age group may only umpire in the Youth league or in the senior league on Youth League evenings NOT both. If this rule is disregarded the team who booked the umpire for an incorrect commitment in the evening will be deducted points and have goals awarded against them as detailed in Rule 3 (d).

a) Current teams in the league must have a minimum of one qualified umpire registered with their team by the 1st September each year, or at the discretion of the League Committee.

b) Thereafter, current teams not complying cannot re-enter the League.

c) Thereafter, multi-team clubs must show that they have a minimum of one qualified umpire per team as (a).

d) New teams/multi-team clubs entering the league will be given one season in which to establish themselves. Thereafter, all the above applies.

e) 1) IO umpires no longer lose their award after 4 years. If an IO umpire has not progressed to their C Award after 4 years the B&DNL will re-assess any IO umpire to determine their capability to umpire within the Bedford League. The Umpiring Sub-committee will decide which games the umpire is able to officiate within the League.

11) To achieve the C Award umpires will be required to attend a C Award course and then received mentoring by an accredited mentor

III) All IO and C Award umpires must umpire at least 8 matches per year (1st September to 31st August). Youth & Junior games and Summer League matches do not count towards these totals. Failure to carry out this ruling may result in that umpire being ineligible to umpire in the B&DNL. This rule will be enforced at the discretion of the League Committee.

IV) For each team entering the B&DNL their 1st named umpire MUST be actively umpiring within the B&DNL. They must umpire 8 games a season. If they fail to meet this target their team will lose 2 points for each game they fail to umpire. Entry to the following season will be reviewed and may be denied.

V) Compliance with the above rulings will be monitored by the Umpiring Sub Committee..

f) Both teams must provide an umpire for League and Cup/Plate matches All Premier Division and 1st Division games must be umpired by an England Netball C or above award – England Netball IO Award umpires will not be allowed to umpire these matches. For all other matches an umpire must hold at least the England Netball IO Award. If either team cannot fulfil these obligations, then the same penalty as set out in paragraph 3 (d) will apply.

If an umpire notifies a team that he/she cannot umpire a previously agreed match, then the umpire/team concerned should work together to find a replacement umpire. If one cannot be found the team must use their own umpire or concede the match. If the team does not have a registered umpire of the right standard, or their own umpire is not available or use of their umpire would result in the team having to play with less than 7 players, then the team can appeal to the committee for a replay, providing that they can produce evidence that they have made a significant effort to find a replacement.

Teams must check their pre-booked umpire for all matches 7 days before the fixture. Failure to do so will result in a team forfeiting their right to appeal for a replay should the umpire fail to arrive for the fixture.

However, if a pre-booked umpire fails to arrive at a game the team without an umpire may drop a player to umpire if that player is of the correct standard required for the fixture. In this case a reserve player may be used to fill the vacant position. If an umpire of the correct standard cannot be provided, or if the provision of such an umpire requires a team to play with only 6 players, and this is not acceptable to them, then the fixture shall not be played and the team unable to provide the umpire shall contact that umpire who, together with the team involved, will report the facts to the League Committee within 48 hours.

g) No player is allowed to argue with the umpire or question decisions at any time. ONLY THE CAPTAINS have the right to approach an umpire during an interval for clarification of any rule (Rules of Netball Page 22 Rule 5.1.1(v) (b)). THE UMPIRES WORD IS FINAL. Violation of the rule will be referred to the League Disciplinary Panel.

h) Umpires must be offered a minimum of £15.00 for travelling expenses. Teams should take into account the distance an umpire has travelled to officiate at the match. Any umpire who arrives to umpire, and where either he or she has been double booked, or the game cancelled once they have arrived must still be offered £15 travelling expenses.

i) Any team using an England Netball qualified umpire who obtained their award from outside the County must provide a copy of their current award to the Umpiring Secretary. All Umpires must be affiliated to England Netball.


Umpires affiliated to B&DNL will attend a Game Management Course at least every 2 years. This may be a Game Management Course run by the B&DNL or another Netball League. Failure to attend a course may result in an umpire no longer being eligible to umpire in the B&DNL.

k) Umpires Who Are Ill/Injured During the Course of a Match.

NOTE: This is not to be confused with the situation of a team arriving to play with no umpire (Rule 14 of the League Rules will stand on this matter). In this situation one of the following should apply:

A team may, if they wish, drop a player in order that she may umpire PROVIDING she is of the required standard for the fixture. In this case a reserve player may be used to fill the vacant place.

If another umpire of the required standard is available to replace the injured umpire she/he may be used to complete the match. This should be clearly indicated on the result card.

If neither of these options is available, the match must be abandoned and normal rules for abandonment applied.

l) Umpires are expected to conform to a standard of physical fitness which allows them to keep pace with the speed and variability of the game. If age, injury, illness or pregnancy is likely to affect the umpire’s movements and positioning to the detriment of the game, she/he is required to withdraw from officiating. Any umpire not complying to the necessary fitness requirements will be assessed by a senior mentor and given feedback. The umpiring sub-committee will decide which divisions, if any, the umpire is able to umpire within the League.

For pregnant umpires please refer to Rule 14 (f).

m) An umpire may not umpire more than 8 games for the same team in any one season (excluding the Summer League). If this limit is exceeded the offending team will be deemed as using an illegal umpire and have points deducted and goals awarded against as detailed in Rule 3 (d).

MENTORS: Mentors must attend a Mentoring Course and be reviewed as required by the County Netball Committee. A mentor may mentor a mentee on Youth, Summer, 4th and 5th Division matches if they feel the mentee is of a sufficient standard to umpire the game. An approved mentor must be present throughout the whole game.


Each team must provide a scorer on all Premier, 1st, 2nd & 3rd division matches and all Plate Semi and Finals in every division. Scorers may change at the end of each quarter.

Scorers must be an EN umpire (minimum IO award) or have attended a county Scorer’s workshop. The minimum age for Scorers is 14 years.

Scorers must not be involved with their team bench during the match. If swapping each quarter this must be a direct swap.

Scorers must neither coach nor encourage their team during the match.

Both Scorers will stand and work together at a place designated by the Umpires.

Before the start of play, each team will show their Scorer their official results card, on which will be recorded the names of the players for that match.

Both Scorers will record each goal scored as they occur.

One Scorer will call the score after each goal. Who this will be, shall be agreed by both scorers at the start of the match.

The Scorers will also keep note of the Centre Pass and shall call it, if appealed to by an Umpire.

Scorers will notify the team Captains of the final score for Team Captains to include on result card.

In the event of a team not supplying a scorer, 2 points will be deducted from their league or cup/plate total.

The offending team needs to contact the opposition, prior to the start of the match, so the opposition can cancel their scorer. In this instance, both Umpires will need to score the match. The Umpires will need to be notified of this prior to the start of the match.

Teams need to check their pre-booked Scorer is still available to score 7 days before the match. Failure to do so will result in the team forfeiting the right to appeal over loss of points should the scorer fail to arrive for the match. If a scorer does not arrive for a match and the opposition have supplied a scorer, the offending team will pay the opposition’s scorer.

Scorers must be offered a minimum of £5 for travelling expenses.


a) No item of jewellery except wedding rings or medical alert bracelets shall be worn. If any are worn each must be taped to the satisfaction of the umpires. No ear/nose or body piercing can be worn at any time whilst playing. The umpire will not permit the player to participate in the game until these items are removed. Taping of these items will not be permitted. No other adornments which could cause injury to any players may be worn.

Leg/Arm braces must be suitably covered as to not cause any injury to other players. The Team Captains must ensure the umpires are aware of any of their team players who are wearing braces before the start of the match. If further guidance is received from England Netball this rule may be updated.

Hats may be worn at the discretion of the umpire as long as they do not represent a health and safety hazard to other players or umpires. Hats should be of a soft material, preferably fleece and should not be peaked or used to conceal any sharp objects.

No form of glove may be worm when playing netball. If, for medical reasons, gloves are required, the player involved must produce an appropriate medical certificate for the League

Committee who will then determine whether to allow gloves to be worn. If permission is granted the player is advised to take out relevant personal insurance. Gloves must be plain, soft leather type, seamless or with internal seams and umpires must be satisfied that they do not present an obvious hazard to other players.

Dogs, other than assistance dogs, are not permitted within the court playing area or on the courts.

For health and safety reasons no umbrellas are permitted courtside.

Fitbits are not to be worn.

b) Fingernails shall be cut short. (England Netball Page 10 Rule l.4.5.).

Guidance on acrylic nails – the rule clearly states that fingernails shall be short and smooth. If fingernails conform to this rule the player may participate whether their nails are square or round. If a player is wearing acrylic nails which do not conform to this rule, then they cannot participate. If the acrylic nails do conform to the rule and the player subsequently suffers damage to their nail(s) then they must understand that their participation is at their own risk and they would not be covered by England Netball insurance.

c) Sunglasses should not normally be worn when participating in Netball activities. However, sunglasses may be worn for genuine medical reasons but an appropriate medical certificate must be supplied. As with acrylic nails any damage due to a netball accident would not be covered by England Netball insurance.

d) Pregnant Players: Pregnant players may take part in match play up to the 12th week of pregnancy provided they have not been advised against this by their Doctor. Under the England Netball insurance policy which governs our leagues and clubs neither England Netball, or any registered club, will be held liable for any pregnant individual participating in recognized and authorized activity should the expectant mother suffer a miscarriage or permanent damage to herself and/or unborn child as a result of participation.

e) Smoking is not permitted once you are within the Bedford Academy Car Park or on the courts themselves.

f) Umpires who are pregnant may umpire up to their 20th week provided they still have the correct level of fitness and have not been advised against this by their Doctor. Under the England Netball insurance policy which governs our leagues and clubs neither England Netball, or any registered club, will be held liable for any pregnant individual participating in recognized and authorized activity should the expectant mother suffer a miscarriage or permanent damage to herself and/or unborn child as a result of participation.16. APPEALS COMMITTEE

g) If an umpire stops play for an injury the player that requested injury time must leave the court as per EN ruling. They can receive treatment off court and return after a goal has been scored. As many of our teams in the lower divisions will not have subs please use your common sense when dealing with injuries/injury time.

The League Committee may appoint an Appeals Committee to adjudicate on any appeal received against a decision taken by the League Committee. Any such appeal must be received in writing by the League Secretary within 28 days of notification of the League decision.


All Court Bookings are now made through School Hire. Teams are responsible for booking their League courts ASAP after the Fixtures Meeting and payments will be taken directly. All home matches must be booked before the start of the season. The League Committee will book all courts for Cup matches and charge teams accordingly.

If a match cannot take place due to adverse weather conditions teams will be refunded via School Hire. They must then rebook for the re-arranged game. The decision to cancel matches due to weather conditions will be made by the League Committee as early as possible on the evening of the scheduled matches.

In the event of a team withdrawing from the League they will still be liable for any outstanding charges for bookings together with any costs payable by their opposition for outstanding away games. Also see Rule 4 (e) of the Rules.

All teams must complete a court booking form at the Fixtures Meeting and are responsible for booking and payment of all court hire costs.

Teams will be invoiced for court hire costs by the Bedford Academy via School Hire at times to be advised by School Hire.


The Cup format is currently under review.





The finals will be played at venues to be decided by the League Committee.

Teams must read the following Cup/Plate regulations to ensure that they play their matches in the correct manner. Particular note should be made of Number 7.

1. All League Rules apply, except as stated below:

2. Matches shall be played to the rules of England Netball, except as laid out in these regulations.

3. Matches shall be of four 15 minute periods, each period to be known as a SET.

4. Each set must be played as a straight game.

5. Teams will change ends at the completion of a set.

6. The score at the end of each set must be recorded in the Cup Round Section of the Result Card. Teams will start the next set with a ZERO score.

7. The centre pass will be taken as in a normal game, i.e. Centre passes to be taken alternately throughout the four sets with the following proviso:

The team captain winning the toss shall decide and tell the umpires, and opposing team, that out of the four (4) sets to be played, her team shall have the choice of Centre Pass or Goal ends in any two of the four sets. This will mean that the Umpires will mark on their score cards, at the beginning of the Cup Match, who will be taking the first Centre Pass in each of the 4 sets, irrespective of the score.
This rule is not to be confused with the taking of centre passes in a normal league game.


2 points for winning a set

1 point for drawing a set

0 points for losing a set

If at the end of normal time of a match, both points and goals are even, there will be an extension of 5 minutes. Teams will toss for the centre pass. If the scores are still tied at the end of 5 minutes, then play will continue until one team scores – that team will be the winner.





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